The Cape of Colours Leadership Team comprises of a thriving Executive Team and the Board of Directors who strives to build their vision of a future in personal and educational growth for the students.
Executive Director
Alan Yeo
Executive Director
Alan graduated with a double degree in Law and Economics from Keele University in the United Kingdom. After graduation, he trained at the Police Academy for nine months before becoming the first direct entry Assistant Superintendent with the Central Narcotics Bureau and was subsequently appointed as the Head of Intelligence Operations. After a short stint of four years, he has moved on to pursue what he loves - helping to empower others and make a difference in their lives.
Jasmine Pow
Partnership Development Manager
Jasmine graduated from the National University of Singapore with an Honours Degree in Business Administration. She had spent a significant part of her career life working in the public sector to help local small and medium-sized enterprises in developing their business and human capital capabilities. Aside from work, participating in activities that bring smiles to the faces of others is what she finds meaning in. Jasmine looks forward to an ongoing purposeful journey with the Cape of Colours team in blessing the lives of those in need.
Raymond Racho
Community Support Associate
Raymond joined Cape of Colours as a Community Support Associate in February 2023. Raymond enjoys working with youths, a good cup of coffee and loves sports, particularly basketball. He is also an hobbyist photographer and loves to capture moments of life happening around him.
Casey Chan,
Woon Mun Ying &
Woon Tai Chian
Community Care
& Development Team
Casey, Mun Ying and Tai Chian are part of our Community Care and Development Team under Cape of Colours. They are passionate about helping the less-privileged and recognize that social community can be enhanced by forging partnerships with various charitable organizations such as Community Chest and local community organizations such as Nee Soon East Citizens' Consultative Committees. They have also helped in the organization of various community events and programs such as Giving Back, Kite Festival, Happy Home Projects, Blood Donation Drives and the Free Tuition Programme. Their support and contribution had garnered various awards from Community Chest and also the Excellence Award for the People's Association Community Spirit (PACS) Awards.
Dale Lim & Lim Chui Chui
Social Capital Advisors
Dale and Chui fulfill consultative roles in the development of Cape of Colours. They carry many passions for the community, one of which is the building of social capital. This involves coming alongside Cape of Colours in envisioning its journey, circumventing challenges and igniting ideas. Dale and Chui see Cape of Colours creating a platform for collaboration and partnership with schools and businesses that have captured Cape's genuine intentionality of adding colours to the lives of students.